Monday, October 14, 2013

Chapped Lips Can Lead To Cold Sores!

The cold weather can lead to dry and chapped lips. 

When left untreated, those chapped lips can cause cold sores! 
When I was younger, I had a problem with chapped lips that soon would turn into cold sores.

Exposure to wind, sun, viruses are the biggest culprits!  Sometimes I would have them spread clear across my lips. Painful, and embarrassing, I wish I knew about essential oils back then.  

Let's take a look at what Essential Oils are good for Cold Sores. 

(Click on the image to purchase)
 Antiseptic and Astringent.  Great for treating wounds and bruises.  It also has Anti-Inflammatory properties. 

At the first sign of a cold sore...put one drop on a cotton ball and apply directly to the cold sore. 
Repeat every day, until the cold sore is gone. 

Another thing you can do is to massage the following blend into the face and neck. 
Cold Sore Blend
10 Drops of Geranium
10 Drops of Lavender 
2 Drops of Thyme
8 Drops of Lemon 
Add the above blend above to 10ml or 2 teaspoons of carrier oil. 

Geranium: Antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory
Lavender: Antiseptic, Analgesic, Anti-Depressant, Anti-Rheumatic, Anti-Spasmodic, Anti-Inflammatory, Antiviral, Bactericide, Decongestant, Sedative
Thyme: Antiseptic, Anti-Spasmodic, Bactericidal
Lemon: Anti Anemic, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Microbial, Anti-Rheumatic, Antiseptic

Remember, your first defense is to keep your lips moist and protected from the elements, but if by chance those chapped lips turns into a nasty cold sore, you have the option to use the above protocols.   

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lisa, I've had 2 cold sores in 6 weeks. Nasty. I mixed up a concoction with geranium, lemon, tea tree in a carrier oil and applied likely 20 times during the first day. It "took the edge off" and kept it from spreading. By day 3 I was tired to applying so many times and I tried oregano with a carrier oil. It burned quite badly for a bit and then really settled down the throbbing for several hours. I only used it 4 times that day and the oregano seemed to help a lot (other than the intense burning).

    If one oil doesn't seem to help, sometimes another one will!


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